pictures of my cat as a little kitten: kitten pictures, polydactyl kittens, munchkin kittens, cat baby shots, kitten shots, littermates

kitten shots: marsh's kitten pictures: My cat was a gorgeous kitten, especially since birth, you could see his polydactyl mittens, developing and showing already at that early kitten age!

All kitten shots below were taken at the breeder before we brought him home. Marshmallow was simply adorable as a small baby kitten. These are one of my favorite pictures of him. They were taken in the beginning of 2004.

Cat littermates study: Marsh was born in a litter of 4 kittens, one boy and 3 girls. Below is a table with full description of littermates. It's an interesting study into white kittens in a litter.

white munchkin kitten

white munchkin kitten, about 2 months old

kitten shot: 3 days old

marsh as a kitten, 3 days old

kitten picture: 4 days old

kitten Picture, 4 days old

kittens with mom cat

little baby kittens Picture at 4 days old. all kitten littermates with mom. I have two la perm pictures of mittsey, one here, and one at the very end of this page.

little baby cat with cute milk mustache

Kitten Shots of marsh at 3 weeks, with a little milk mustache, how cute!

young cat

baby cat at 3 weeks old, this is my favorite young picture of the cat

polydactyl kittens picture

polydactyl kittens picture. all 3 white kittens littermates from my cat's litter; 1 months old; Marsh's in the center.

kittens with adult cat

all 4 kittens litter mates from that litter (4 in all); at 2 months old. Mittsey is the one on lower left, she's a la perm Breed.

Cat Littermates Study

sex breed coat color polydactyl? eyes hair length
Marsh male munchkin all white yes two amber (yellow) silky haired
Polly female munchkin all white, one gray spot on forehead yes One yellow, one blue silky haired
Andromeda female non-standard all white, two gray spots on forehead no two yellow short haired
Mittsey female La Perm Breed calico yes n/a la-perm (curly)

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